Senin, 15 Desember 2008


ROTARY CUB SEMARANG BOJONG BERSAMA LINGKUNGAN PONDOK SOSIAL PACA DAN MASYARAKAT DESA HUTAN,Donorejo,Keling Kelet,Bangsri,Jepara,membuat proyek Air Bersih untuk masyarakat setempat.

Rotaryclub Cleanwater service at Jepara Dec 15, '08 9:57 AM

Early 6.00 PM in the morning we are transported with a blue bus, destination Donorojo Village,a very small village at Keling Kelet, Bangsri,Jepara, those three mentioned bigger places explain more detail to the place we are directed, it's 4 hours bus drive from Semarang.

Located in the near of an old Portuguese Fort and about 1 km from the seashore
At Donorojo there is a community housing, habitat of 30 families, about 80 persons
ex Leprocy handicaped people, who built houses of their own, since they are isolated
from the normal healthy people. One of their difficulities is how to get clean water from a source far away in the mountain and transported to their own houses through a slippery path especially during raining season. Some of them has only few fingers left,and not a complete body part which make the water transport ore difficult.

Rotarian at Rotary Club Semarang Bojong discussed how to ease them with water supply
by trying to make a deep well, pump it out to a watertank reservation, and distribute the water to each houses. We ask Rotary Club of New Territories Hong Kong
to cooperate with our Rotary Club Semarang Bojong and raise a Matchinggrant
from International Rotary Foundation, then we get a sufficient financial aid
to make a deep well in situ. Unfortunately after digging three deepwells we could not get a water source. Therefore we have to look for water source in a higher place,arranging a long pipe line, to allow water flow downwards to the reservation
watertank which is prepared in front of the housing.

The work is done and today is the ceremonial opening of those water supply,
opened by the official vice governor of Central Java, that's the reason we are
hurrying to that place. The ceremonial celebration can be seen at pictures below.
Thereafter we visit a recreation beach resort in the near, and having fun at the beach strand